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Light On Campus

This shoot was the most fun yet because you never knew how the photo would come out. It was a challenge to work with light and a subject because the subject would often come out blurry. I had to choose the photos that were "aesthetically blurry."

I learned that setting the shutter speed for longer periods is essentially like taking a time-lapse and compiling it all together. I used the techniques of keeping my camera still for certain shots and moving it for others. I often moved the lighsource instead of the camera. In this shoot, I used a circular glowstick, weird glowing animal toys, and christmas lights. Keeping my camera still was often more successful than moving it. To move the camera, you had to hope for the best. I got lucky with a couple of shots. The glowing animals were a little annoying to use because they turned off quickly.


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"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees."
-Paul Strand
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