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Light Off Campus

The last shot happened on accident. I was taking a picture of my hands and my cat walked through the shot. I had more trouble doing this shoot than the off campus shoot as I did not have another person either modeling for me or moving the light source.

I learned in this shoot that having a longer shutter speed can mean your photographs can get washed out if you have too much light. This especially true due to the fact that my room was not sealed off from light as it was in the studio.

I used my iPod and a lighter for a light source. I did not move the light sources as much as I did in the previous shoot, which was more successful in this setting because of the amount of light exposure I had. It was challenging to barely move my hands in the last shot because I was distracted by my cat walking across the frame.


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"Your photography is a record of your living, for anyone who really sees."
-Paul Strand
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